Easy Family Budget Spreadsheet

Excel Family Budget Template

Are you ready to take your family budget digital and save yourself time and headaches? 

When you are just starting out with budgeting, I highly recommend using pen and paper.

There is just something about writing down all of your financial numbers that can make your money situation real. When it is in front of your face, in black and white, it is hard to ignore. And it also gives you a starting place.

However, once you have been budgeting for awhile, then I believe it is okay to start moving towards a more digital format for your budget.

Let’s be honest–having the computer automatically do your budget math will save you SO MUCH TIME, and probably a few headaches too.

That is why having a digital option, once you are ready, is so important. Time and no headaches are valuable people!

So, if you are ready to look into some digital options for your budget, then you should check out our Family Budget Spreadsheet.

What is the Easy Family Budget Spreadsheet?

This is the excel template that we use every month to plan our budget, track our expenses, see our savings grow, and so much more.

This is an easy to use budget template that really let’s you take the headache and overwhelm out of budgeting. 

Since using this template, we have really been able to see how our savings goals are progressing, and how our budget is working out each month. We can easily see where our budget struggles are, and thus where we need to focus our efforts to improve.

Using this spreadsheet has helped to make our budgeting fun and straightforward.

family budget template on screen

What does the Family Budget Spreadsheet include?

Our budgeting spreadsheet has everything you need to plan, track and evaluate your monthly budget and financial goals

Monthly Budget Sheets

The spreadsheet includes 12 monthly budget plans, one for every month of the year. You can jump in using this template whenever you get it.

On these monthly sheets you will plan out your full budget including income, expenses, debt payments, and savings goals. The sheet will automatically calculate the zero based equation for you, so you will know right away if you are over budget, or have more money to use.

monthly budget sheet in easy budget template

Expense Tracker

Each month also comes with its own Expense tracking sheet. You use this sheet to track any time a bill is paid, or you go shopping, or ANY TIME money is spent in your household. 

What you enter on the expense tracker will auto populate into your monthly sheet as well, so you can easily see your budgeted amount versus your actual spent amount.

monthly expense tracking sheet in family budget spreadsheet

Yearly Budget Total

This sheet will give you a yearly overview of your income and expenses. Sometimes it really is helpful to know just how much you are spending, during the year, on any given category.

This sheet will automatically populate throughout the year so that you can easily see, at any time, how much you have spent.

yearly budget summary in family budget spreadsheet

Savings Tracker

This sheet in the spreadsheet will also auto-populate, as you fill out how much you save each month.

When working on multiple savings goals, it can be difficult to know how much has really been saved for any given goal. This sheet makes it so easy to see what money has been saved and for which goal. 

Plus, you can use the monthly savings section and this sheet to get an idea about how much you will have saved throughout the year.

easy family budget spreadsheet yearly savings tracker page

Recurring Expenses Sheet

Do you have some bills that are on a recurring payment system? Maybe Amazon Prime or Netflix or some other subscription? This is where you can keep track of all of those.

recurring expenses page family budget template excel

Password and Login Sheet

I don’t know about you, but I am horrible at remembering all my usernames and passwords for the various bill paying accounts I need. That is why this spreadsheet has a Login Sheet. Easily keep track of your login information for all your utility accounts, credit card accounts, and any other bill accounts that you have in your budget.

easy family budget spreadsheet login information page

How do I use the Family Budget Spreadsheet?

The spreadsheet is fairly self-explanatory, but it does come with an instruction page as well.

But, just to make sure everyone who gets this spreadsheet knows how to best use it, I have included a video showing exactly how I use it each and every month. This video walks you through, step by step, the process to use the spreadsheet and all of its features.

Also, this spreadsheet can be used in both Excel and Google Sheets, so you can access it whichever way will work best for you.

Where can I get the Family Budget Spreadsheet

So, are you ready to dive in and take control of your budget, while also saving yourself time?

You can get access to the Family Budget Spreadsheet by clicking the big button below!

Budgeting does not have to be hard. I know, I am weird because I actually geek out over this stuff. But I promise, budgeting can give you hope, and help you to find the plan toward your financial goals.

This family budgeting spreadsheet is the best way our family has found to really focus on, and achieve, our money goals. And I know that it can benefit your family as well!

Do you have more questions about the spreadsheet? Let me know in the comments below, or send me an email! I am here for you and ready to answer your questions!

Check Out All of our Budget Spreadsheets

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