Best Fun Cash Envelope System Wallets

Cash Envelope Wallet Systems

Best Wallets for a Cash Envelope Budget

Does the idea of using cash envelopes scare you?  I know the idea of carrying around wads of cash, and not knowing if you were going to remember taking them with you when you needed them,  seems pretty daunting.

There are even those stories about people who have had their purses stolen, or who left their cash envelopes (full of cash) at the grocery store. And I have heard several other scary scenarios about losing all of your cash for the month.

And it is true. Those stories could scare you into not using cash envelopes. But using cash envelopes really is an amazing way to help you stay on budget when money is tight. Using cash forces you to evaluate what you are purchasing so that you stay within your budgeted amount. 

So today I want to share with you my favorite wallets  to use with a cash envelope system.

The way I see it, if your cash envelope system wallet is your everyday wallet, then you’re going to be less likely to forget it at home or forget it somewhere else.

So let’s take a look at some of the best wallets for a cash envelope budget, that will make you want to use cash envelopes AND help you get your budget on track in no time.

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Best envelope system wallets

LW Wallet

If you want a cash envelope wallet that looks high class, and has everything you need, you have to check out the LW Wallet from LW Wallet Co!

Seriously! It is so functional AND pretty!

The wallet has 12 slots for cards, an outside pocket, and several inside pockets (including a zipper pocket). The binder clips allow you to add planner pages and your cash envelopes. 

Two of my favorite features about the LW Wallet is that 1) It has a wrist strap so you really can carry it around as an all-in-one wallet. The wrist strap is removable as well. And 2) it comes in several GORGEOUS colors that will make you want to take it out on the town and show it off.

Also, the LW Wallet Co website has several great add-ons to the wallet, including fun diamond pens and personalized cash envelopes.

Check out the LW Wallet Here!

Budget Planner Organizer by Saveyon

If you want to find an all-in-one cash envelope system wallet, this one is for you!

The wallet itself has spots for up to 12 cards, a zippered change pocket and a pen loop. Then it has a binder portion that will hold your cash envelopes.

Plus this bundle includes what you need to get started with cash envelopes. It comes with 12 cash envelopes and expense trackers, monthly budget sheets, a to do list and a monthly calendar.

This wallet is really like a mini budget planner and wallet all in one.

Check out the Saveyon Cash Envelope wallet Here!

Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet

This wallet definitely feels luxurious with the microfiber exterior fabric. The zippered portion let’s you keep all your cash safe. And then the clasp opens up to the pen loop and 6 card slots.

The clasp gives you easy access to your cards and driver license, without needing to open up to your cash envelopes as well. 

If you aren’t a big fan of the actual “envelope” style of cash envelopes, then you will want to check out this wallet. Instead of envelopes, the wallet has small divided sections which you can personalize with labels to match your envelope categories.

If you are looking for a more timeless style of wallet, then definitely look into the Bella Taylor wallet. 

Get the Bella Taylor Cash Envelope Wallet Here

FiloFax Organizer

This envelope system wallet is really the traditional organizer/planner. It technically isn’t a cash envelope wallet, but it works as one!

It has 12 card slots, a zippered pouch, and several extra pockets.

Plus, it has the 6 ring binder insert, which actually is removable. Use it to hold your cash envelopes when needed, and then take it out when not needed. You can also add planner and note pages into the binder.

I love that this organizer really does work as both planner and cash envelope, making life as a mom so much easier! Also, this organizer will last a long time and hold up to lots of wear and tear, which is definitely a must.

Check out the FiloFax Organizer and see if it will work for you!

MagicFly Cash Envelope Wallet

This wallet definitely fits the bill of affordable, coming in around $20!

This wallet has just 8 card slots, but it also has 2 open pockets and a zippered pocket.

The binder clip will be great to hold your cash envelopes. And this wallet comes as a bundle with 12 waterproof envelopes, 12 trackers and 12 label stickers!

If you want to get into cash envelopes, this is a great cash envelope wallet bundle to get you started!

You can find the MagicFly Wallet Here!

Savvy Cents Wallet

The Savvy Cents wallet comes in several colors, so you can pick one to match your personality and taste.

Similar to the Bella Taylor wallet, this wallet has built in sections to use for your cash envelope categories, rather than a binder clip. However, the whole wallet is zippered. So to get to your cards, you need to open the whole wallet.

But if you are going for an all cash budget, then getting access to the card section and the cash section at the same time isn’t an issue. 

This wallet also has a wrist strap that can be pulled out when desired, or tucked away when not in use.

Get the Savvy Cents Cash Envelope Wallet Here!

Soligt All-in-One Cash Envelopes Wallet

This wallet is definitely a popular choice, and super budget-friendly. It comes in two colors, black and red.

The Soligt cash system wallet has 12 card slots, a zippered pouch, 2 open pockets and extra slots of coupons or receipts. 

This wallet also comes with 12 cash envelopes and trackers. However, these envelopes are actually the tall/vertical envelope design. They fit into the binder clip just as well. But if you like the vertical option, this wallet might be a good one to try.

Check out the Soligt wallet here!

Slim Budget Envelopes Wallet

If you don’t like a wallet that is big and bulky, then you should check out the slim budget wallet.

Since it is slim, it automatically holds less overall. But “less is more”, right? And this is a perfect minimalist wallet.

This wallet has 7 card slots, a zippers pouch and pen loop. It also comes with 6 cash envelopes, that have tabs on the top for easy labeling. This means you can easily find which envelope you want, without flipping through all of them.

Zip it all up and add the wrist strap, if desired, and your are on your way with your money safely contained.

Check out the Slim Wallet here!

Final Thoughts on Envelope System Wallets

I know that staying in budget can be hard! And even more so when it is so easy to just swipe your card and go!

But using a cash envelope system will help you better manage your money, and stay within budget. And this is the benefit of an envelope system wallet.

With the wallet, you don’t have to worry about forgetting your cash at home (because it will be in your every day wallet that SHOULD go with you when you shop, right?!). And you will be less likely to forget or lose your whole wallet at the grocery store.

These cash envelope system wallets are all great options for getting started, or finding your new favorite, wallet! 

Test one out and see how it goes!

Do you use a cash envelope system wallet? How do you like it? What wallet do you use? Let me know in the comments below!